Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Green Zone, First Movie Review

My first movie review.

I saw this movie two nights ago for free. I'm glad I didn't pay for it. It's not that it was that terrible, it's just that it wasn't at all what I thought it would be. I don't know if it's simply my own misconceptions from the trailer or if the trailer intentionally tried to imply the movie was something other than what it was.

My understanding from the trailer was that Matt Damon's character allowed himself to be captured so that he could get close to this enemy person, kick some ass, and 'bring him in.' Like some super Bourne type of agent. The trailer also makes it look like the other 'bad guys' are trying to hunt him down.

The reality of the movie (again, I'm sure this is my fault as I didn't even bother to read the movie synopsis) is that it is a Hollywood dramatization of the false search for Weapons of Mass Destruction. The movie very closely tries to portray the reality of things as they occurred, even going so far as using real soldiers as actors - at least that's what I saw in a news report.

This is all fine and dandy and the movie is decent in its own right. The problem for me personally is that I try to go out of my way to avoid watching war movies. What's worse, I was expecting this to be far less realistic and more like the James Bond/Jason Bourne type of films. I'm not sure how to classify the difference, as they are both considered Action films.

So I guess to be a right and proper movie review, I ought to give it a grade. Because the movie was not at all what I expected and I felt thoroughly misled by the trailers, I'm inclined to give it a C-. However, Matt Damon is a very good actor and the movie (had I gone in knowing what type of movie to expect) was good in its own right. So, rating the movie for itself, I would give it a B. Not because it's bad, but because of my biased preference for Action/Adventure/non-war/Fantasy films. :) So I will average the two grades to produce a final answer. Let's see.. according to the following googled GPA conversion chart ( source = http://www.ncu.edu.tw/~joshua/gpa_charts.htm ):

GPA Conversion Chart (Example 1)
Letter GradeGPAPercent (%)

I have provided a 1.7 and 3. The average results in 2.35. So the final grade for this movie is thus:

Aeslabelle's Grade: C+
Acturon's Grade: A- (see comments)

Double A Results: B


  1. Personally, I think the movie was pretty good. Not fantastic, but good.

    They did a great job, in my opinion, of representing the events that occurred. Probably a lot of it was made up, like the "Magellan" factor, but still an interesting movie.

    Although, upon thinking about it, it does ring a bit like a Michael Moore movie to me, where it's someone trying to point out the evils of the Bush Administration or some such.

    Ah well. Anyway, I give the movie an A-, as there were a few spots were it was dragging and I could have easily slipped away from the movie, but having dug into it and committed, I enjoyed it.

  2. I vaguely payed attention. I thought from the title it was going to be something about the environment.

  3. Oh no Shannon, you must have been even more misled than I was. Every time I see a trailer for it on other dvds now I get irritated. lol
